What is C.I.M.E.S.?

C.I.M.E.S. is an acronym which stands for Compressed Inverted Magnetic energy Source.


Have you ever tried to push opposing magnets together? They repel and don't want to touch. By forcing the opposing magnets together, energy is harnessed and gravety is cancelled out. 


C.I.M.E.S. follows Sir Issac Newton's laws as articulated in the patent.


The potentional for the C.I.M.E.S. rotary motor is limitless. No fule is needed and zero emmisions are emitted. It's all weather, unlike solar and wind. C.I.M.E.S. could easily turn a generator and send power to a battery bank more consistantantly than wind and solar. C.I.M.E.S. can also be made in all sizes. From portable, for off the grid types, to appliance size, to power a home, or larger, to power towns, ships, space endevors, etc. 


Many industries do not want this technology, especial powerful fosil fuel driven industries, and that is why this must be a grassroots effort.


There are silly magnet motors on the internet but they are all missing important design features. This is why they have no torque and lock up when the cameras are not rolling. C.I.M.E.S. is much different, and when built correctly, will deliver consistant power with incredible torque. This is not a perpetual motion machine. Maintenence will be needed albeit minimal.


Join us in this effort! Become a part of our team. Whether you are an enthusiast attemting to build a C.I.M.E.S. motor, or if you just wish to be informed of its progress with updates that will be delivered via the CIMES News Letter. When purchasing a copy of the patent, you have the option to make a larger donation by paying more than the stanard $20 donation/investment. This is your way of putting your money behind this effort. 


Let's bring C.I.M.E.S to life, to help our envirment, and to bring affordable clean consistant power to everyone worldwide, regardless of their economic situation. 


C.I.M.E.S will help to save our planet, while causing no harm to our beautifel animals and wildlife; all while delivering a growing demand for more power